Staying Healthy in Cold Season!
What an idea to enjoy every season at its fullest. As every season has its beauty and charm.
However, we have to adapt ourselves with the change of seasons to stay healthy and fit.
Mid-December to mid-January is the time, Patnaites experience severe winter swept by westerly winds.
So, it’s necessary to take extra care to keep ourselves fit.
Nobody wants to be sneezing and coughing, experiencing a bout of flu, infection, bad mood sore throat, stuffy or runny nose and headache. Though, these may be symptoms of common cold, make us feel restless.
The most important thing one should do is wearing proper woollens.
When it’s very cold outside, cover your body properly. Our face, ears, nose and throat are the parts very sensitive and vulnerable to cold.
Keeping our ear, nose and face warm and covered seems to make a big difference.
Cold air, generally affects the throat first, giving us an itchy sensation with sore throat.
Gargling with half teaspoon salt in one cup of lukewarm water helps to soothe a sore throat. A vaporizer is also a good remedy to get relief from congestion caused by cold.
Besides, keep your feet warm and dry. A good pair of woollen shocks will do the job.
Boosting immune system is always a good strategy to combat cold. Taking immune-boosting nutrients like Soya, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Whole Grains, Nuts especially Almonds, Yogurt, Fish, Red bell peppers and Citrus Fruits are the top immune booster.
Besides, eating a diet high in fibers is always good.
Taking vitamin C is good for reducing the length and severity of symptoms.
Drink plenty of water. In winter, we generally feel less thirsty and drink less water. However, it doesn’t mean that our body requires less water. So drinking sufficient water is necessary for smooth functioning of our body systems and also for removing toxins from our body.
Keep your hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water. Don’t share personal items as colds and flu are highly contagious.
Keep away from eating and drinking such things, which aggravate cold symptoms in winter.
Getting enough sleep is good to fight off cold.